402 research outputs found

    Different expression of MMPs/TIMP-1 in human atherosclerotic lesions. Relation to plaque features and vascular bed

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    BACKGROUND: Proteolytic imbalance might determine arterial remodeling and plaque destabilization in atherosclerotic vessels. The aim of this study was to examine differences in the patterns of metalloproteinases (MMPs) and MMP inhibitor (TIMP-1) expression in advanced human atheromas, both in relation to the plaque features and the vascular bed involved. METHODS AND RESULTS: Immunohistochemistry for MMP-1, -3, -9 and TIMP-1 as well as the collagen content were measured in vascular sections from patients undergoing peripheral revascularization (carotid n=11, femoral n=23) and aorto-coronary bypass surgery (mammary arteries n=20, as controls). Increased expression of all MMPs was detected in atherosclerotic as compared with control sections (P<0.01). Aneurysmal plaques showed a significant increase of MMP-1 and-3 and a reduction in total collagen (P<0.05) in relation to occlusive lesions. Calcification areas in atherosclerotic plaques were consistently associated with increased TIMP-1 expression (P<0.01). Finally, MMP-9 expression was higher in occlusive lesions from carotid than femoral arteries (P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Aneurysm lesions expressed higher MMP-1 and-3 expression than occlusive plaques, and MMP-9 was mainly detected in carotid as compared with femoral arteries. TIMP-1 was associated with arterial calcification. These differences in the MMPs/TIMP-1 expression might determine the evolution of advanced atherosclerotic plaques and contribute to its vulnerability

    Coastal Management Activities in Valdevaqueros Dune Area (Tarifa, SW Spain)

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    Valdevaqueros dune area is located in the SW of Spain (Tarifa, Cádiz) and represents an important recreational zone. However, after Spanish Shore Act approbation in 1988, sand extractions were prohibited and the system began to loose stability producing the dune invasion landwards. The main objective of this paper is to present an integrated study of alternatives for Valdevaqueros dune area, considering all the problems involved: dune degradation, invasion of Punta Paloma road by the mobile dune, excessive recreational pressure on the dune area and adjacent lagoon, parking lots resettlements, and undesirable land uses in the surroundings, among the most important problems found in that area. In particular, a cost-benefit analysis for different alternatives was carried out regarding the road-dune interaction

    Endoprótesis autoexpandibles en el tratamiento de la obstrucción de colon. Análisis dosimétrico

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    Objetivos: Realizar un análisis dosimétrico y comparar los resultados con las dosis de referencia de la colocación de endoprótesis autoexpandibles en el tratamiento de obstrucciones de colon y evaluar los efectos no estocásticos derivados de la radiación. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo restrospectivo unicéntrico de 109 pro-cedimientos de colocación de endoprótesis autoexpandibles de colon. Incluye todas las obstrucciones de colon, la mayoría de causa maligna y alguna de causa benigna. Se realiza un análisis dosimétrico, comparándolo con las dosis de refe-rencia y un seguimiento para evaluar complicaciones. Resultados: El tiempo medio de intervención fue de 55,84 minutos y el produc-to kermaa por área medio de 339600,64 mGy.cm². Se observó una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre dichas variables y el grado de complejidad de la intervención. Los valores obtenidos fueron superiores a los valores de refe-rencia. Solo en un 8,3 % de los pacientes que superaron el umbral de kerma se observaron complicaciones dérmicas. Conclusiones: Esta intervención supone un tiempo de fluoroscopia y dosis de radiación considerable, observando una correlación estadísticamente significativa según el grado de dificultad de la intervención. Los radiólogos intervencionistas toman gran conciencia del problema, adoptando todas las medidas preventivas necesarias para lograr el éxito con la mínima dosis de radiación posible. En la mayoría de los casos, los beneficios clínicos y la mejora en la calidad de vida del paciente justifican el riesgo de la radiación. A pesar de las altas dosis recibidas, la incidencia de efectos no estocásticos es mínima

    Planck-LFI: Design and Performance of the 4 Kelvin Reference Load Unit

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    The LFI radiometers use a pseudo-correlation design where the signal from the sky is continuously compared with a stable reference signal, provided by a cryogenic reference load system. The reference unit is composed by small pyramidal horns, one for each radiometer, 22 in total, facing small absorbing targets, made of a commercial resin ECCOSORB CR (TM), cooled to approximately 4.5 K. Horns and targets are separated by a small gap to allow thermal decoupling. Target and horn design is optimized for each of the LFI bands, centered at 70, 44 and 30 GHz. Pyramidal horns are either machined inside the radiometer 20K module or connected via external electro-formed bended waveguides. The requirement of high stability of the reference signal imposed a careful design for the radiometric and thermal properties of the loads. Materials used for the manufacturing have been characterized for thermal, RF and mechanical properties. We describe in this paper the design and the performance of the reference system.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in JINST. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at [10.1088/1748-0221/4/12/T12006]. 14 pages, 34 figure